
21 July 2006

I've been reading and learning many tips from the Digital Photography School Blog. I like the tips about composition, tuning, and all that, but I'm not sure how to actually accomplish it. Testing, adjusting, reshooting, and taking your time is fine with a bowl of fruit, but I'm usually in a quick camera-phone mode.

Fortunately, my S710a makes for one of the better camera-phones available in the United States, so my shots come out reasonable. Unfortunately, my real camera is getting pretty old, so it has no better resolution than my camera phone (1.3MP), and it's much slower to use. I've actually been using my camera phone much more than the real camera.

Most my shots are just quick shots of something interesting, and often, I'm photographing the kids. I've never exactly felt the necessary patience exuding from the adults I've tried to photograph, and I know I need to be much quicker with the kids. There's just no time to snap a few shots, play with settings, snap a few more, reposition. Maybe I need to find a photo editing school blog.

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July 2006